The Akron Care Center (ACC) Board held three meetings in January: their regular monthly meeting and two special meetings to discuss partnering with Generations Senior Management.
At the Akron-Westfield (A-W) School Board’s January meeting, it was announced that the district will receive approximately $463,000 from the Kenneth Frerichs estate. Frerichs was a lifelong resident of Akron and a 1966 graduate of Akron High School.
The Friendship & Service Club recently presented donations to Akron Care Center, Akron Children's Center, and Akron Park & Recreation Board. “We are proud to support these great organizations and the work they are doing in our community,” said Club member Lisa Harris.
The Akron Hometowner extends a warm welcome to Hailey Wilken, who is a new preschool teacher at Akron-Westfield (A-W). Her classroom is right down the hall from her mother Tina Wilken’s classroom, who teaches fourth grade.
The Akron Hometowner extends a warm welcome to Hailey Wilken, who is a new preschool teacher at Akron-Westfield (A-W). Her classroom is right down the hall from her mother Tina Wilken’s classroom, who teaches fourth grade.
The Akron Opera House’s Board of Directors works to identify and pursue grant opportunities. Because of their work, the Akron Opera House has raised significant funds through donations and grant funding.
The Akron American Legion Post held its annual essay contest for the Akron-Westfield fifth graders Nov. 2024. Ruth Colt's essay won first place in the competition, followed by Aria Troubaugh and Ty Naslund.
To learn more about the fruitful history of Akron, swing by the Akron Area Museum and tour the 14 rooms that hold important artifacts dating back over a century.
Throughout December and January, the Akron-Westfield School District auctioned older signs that were once used in the district’s facilities. The A-W School Board authorized selling these signs to the highest bidder in an open bid process.
January is National Radon Action Month, an opportunity to spread awareness about the link between unsafe radon levels and lung cancer in Iowa. According to the Iowa Cancer Consortium, approximately 400 Iowans die every year from lung cancer caused by radon exposure.
Students in an Akron-Westfield anatomy class recently participated in a hands-on, and not to mention tasty, experiment. The students constructed muscle fiber models out of candy like Fruit by the Foot, Fruit Roll-Ups, and licorice laces.
The Akron Care Center (ACC) Board of Directors held a special meeting on Jan. 9 to discuss continuing to work with Generations Senior Management. Generations provides market analysis and coaching for small rural nursing homes.
The Akron-Westfield School District has been auctioning older signs that were once used in the district’s facilities. The A-W School Board authorized selling these signs to the highest bidder in an open bid process.